Monday, September 30, 2019

Checkin’ Out Me History Essay

Toussaint L’Ouverture, Mary Seacole, Shaka the Zulu. Have you ever heard of them? If not, it is probably because from a young age, we have all been taught history but were we given all the facts or just being ignorant? Many of the historic and inspirational figures we have learnt about are based in the culture of England but what about the black historic figures because some of these made a huge difference to our lives. John Agard is a poet from Guyana who writes passionately but often and politically and seriously. In one of his poems-â€Å"Checkin’ out me history† he questions why some of these great black historic leading figures were pushed away when they truly deserve our respect. In this essay, I will investigate the following question-â€Å"How does Agard use language and structure to convey his feelings in ‘Checkin’ out me history’? † In Agard’s use of language, he has purposely written some of the words in phonetic spelling. For instance he has said â€Å"dem† instead of â€Å"them† and when you are reading the poem out loud, no matter how hard you try not to, you will hear a Caribbean accent because writing in phonetics will force the reader into the accent even if they don’t want to. I think he wants them to speak in this way because the poem is based on how his heritage is being pushed away and since he is black, he wants to show who he really is and he wants to bring back his heritage by speaking in a black dialect. In addition to this he uses structure to portray his feelings in relation to his heritage. For instance he has made the stanzas on the black historic figures very thin in comparison to the other stanzas because they are quite wide. I think he has made the lay out this way because of how black historic figures are being pushed aside and it isn’t fair. Another way to look at this is that the other stanzas are wide because they are told more often and more widely over the world because of the historic figures mentioned in it. But a more positive way to look at it is that, Agard has put the stanzas this way because the black figures are more unique. Also Agard shows his annoyance by repeating the line ‘dem tell me’, I think he is repeating this line so he can show that his heritage being pushed away isn’t fair and he is serious about the topic he is talking about. Also by repeating the line, it is as if he is protesting against the fact that his heritage is being pushed away. When he is repeating the line, you can tell he is serious and won’t stop until justice is done. I personally think that he is quite accurate in what he is saying because where is the logic in shoving away some of the best historic figures just because they are black. It just isn’t fair on the people who come from a black heritage. Agard is really accurate in the way he describes the black historic figures included in this poem because of the way the description links with the real historic facts. For example: â€Å"Toussaint de thorn to de French†-this is really accurate because Toussaint was a great general who defended his country Saint Dominique against the French Colonies. Also the word choice suggests this because a thorn protects a rose and when Agard is referring to Toussaint as the thorn, it links with how he protected his country (the rose in this metaphor) from the hands of the French. Another point to be made is that by referring to Toussaint as a thorn can also suggest that he didn’t cause extreme damage, he only pricked them and when you get pricked by a thorn, you get annoyed which is how the French must have felt because they were a huge empire and they couldn’t drive the small island of Saint Dominique into submission so I’m sure they must have been feeling irritated. Now lets move on to the loving and caring Mary Seacole who was brave and skilled with medicine as she set off to the Crimean war even though people warned her not to go but she didn’t care because she wanted to save those soldiers lives and she would risk her own life to do it and even her own money but still many people have pushed her away from history. So lets have a look at the way Agard describes her in ‘Checkin’ out me history’-‘A healing star among the wounded’-Mary Seacole is referred to as a ‘healing star’ and a star is very high up in the sky so it forces the people to look up at it and when you look up at someone, it means you respect them, what it can also mean is that they can be your idol because you look for their guidance and follow in their footsteps. A biblical reference to this quote be that the three kings followed the bright star to get to baby Jesus. Also a star is known to link magic, which is like when people make a wish upon a star, they believe it to be magical. The soldiers involved in the Crimean war were also probably trying to make a wish because they thought they were going to die but then Mary Seacole came ready to help, the soldiers’ faith changed and their wish was granted. Another thing to be mentioned is that star can only be seen when it is dark like when you are walking in daytime, you can not see the stars at all because the sun light will block them out so you don’t notice them, but when you are camping in the woods and you look up in the night sky, you see they are all shining brightly. Since the Crimean war was going on, lots of people were dying and wounded every day and it truly was a really dark time. Then when all hope was lost, Mary Seacole appeared. Lastly ‘healing would suggest that she mended he wounded After having that long discussion about Mary Seacole, lets move on to another great women that took part in this poem. Nanny of the Maroons, a woman who had a great dream and lead many slaves to freedom. Lets explore the way Agard describes in this quote-‘see-far woman of mountain dream’-this shows that she is very strong and rugged just like a mountain. Also a mountain has a sharp point, which can link with her being smart. Mountain dream could also suggest a dream of freedom from slavery. My last point to be made is that since she built a town upon a mountain, she would look down upon people who are selfish and people would look up to her and respect her. Now that we have looked at the historical figures, lets have a look at John Agard himself and his personal feelings towards his heritage being pushed away. Here lets look at the evidence-‘ Bandage up me eye with me own history’- Agard must be feeling restricted, helpless and maybe even angry because he is from the Caribbean and from a young age he has learnt about English history but not his own black history. He must be feeling restricted because he probably feels that other people are stopping him from seeing his own heritage and history. Another point to be made is that most of the historic figures we learn about today are white, we should really be more considerate and learn about the black historic figures as well because there were many great historic leaders and figures who were black. Also if you were really blinded you would be unaware of where you are going and you would stress and be quite scared. To conclude this questionable topic by telling you my personal feelings on this poem, John Agard’s poem is very accurate in the message it is sending out because it is quite true in that we are actually pushing away black culture and learning more about our own (English) history instead of being diverse, we are still learning about the same things. I feel that this poem is written in a very entertaining way but also gets the message out to the audience very nicely. I also agree with the message being sent.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Multicultural Literature Essay- Eleithia Essay

Author, Alice Walker’s, Elethia, is a story of young Elethia who struggles to overcome a legacy of passivity, marginalization, inferiority, and misrepresentation of the Negro. To define her own identity she must break free and simultaneously hold on to the central figure that causes her to doubt her identity. Uncle Albert is a symbol of racism and the blindness that oftentimes presents itself within the Negro culture. There is a quote given by the late Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., â€Å"there are many Negros who will never fight for freedom, but will gladly accept it when it comes!† Dr. King’s remarks are favored by me in the fight against racism and I understand it to mean this. That while segregation, impartiality, brutality and blatant disrespect are present, there will always be a certain percentage of people, belonging to an oppressed culture, who will idly sit by and accept the countless improprieties set before them while others continuously fight to break down the walls of bigotry. In the town in which Elethia made her home, Uncle Albert had been a fixture in the window of the Old Uncle Albert’s restaurant for good length of time. So long that some of the old-timers, who had known Uncle Albert before his murder, were victims of fading memories, â€Å"perhaps both memory and eyesight were wrong (Brown p.307).† As a humanist, I am annoyed that the story is absent, perhaps accidentally or possibly on purpose, that not one member of the African American community protested or took any actions to give Uncle Albert’s likeness a release. I understand fear. The fear of retribution and death at the hands of white supremacists, however years, an entire generation in fact, had passed and Uncle Albert’s remains still stood smiling in the white-only eatery. Since slavery religious instruction was aimed â€Å"to inculcate meekness and docility (Aptheker 122).† What about after the doors  of the church were closed? Throughout the short story, there is no mention of a revolutionary plot or rebellion by any one person or persons of the community. Elethia, young and still not sure of who she was, made the horrific discovery that Uncle Albert was stuffed as if he were and animal. At that moment, she along with her friends made the conscious decision that smiling Uncle Albert had to be excluded as a fixture in a plated glass window in order to give dignity to the Negro culture. I am a firm believer in non-violence but only when you are dealing with people who share the same view of non-violence. The story does not give the reader any hint that there was a rumble from the community of Negro people at a time when a loud noise should have sounded off. At a time when the Civil Rights Movement was in its infancy, the passiveness of the entire African American community of the small southern town gave credence to the myth of the docile Negro. Throughout American history, any person or persons of the American society, whom skin is deemed to be colored has been marginalized since he has placed his foot on American soil. The Negros place in society has been viewed as less important than those of his white brethrens. In Elethia, a young black boy’s privates were left nailed to a post for the town’s people, which included blacks and whites to see. I will take this crude act and look at in two ways to support my theory of marginalization: the first angle will be taken from a white societal viewpoint in that a young Negro boy is not looked upon as a human being. He is simply a person of color who is absent of pathos, and intellect. His status in the general public is placed the lowest echelon on the societal chain, therefore he does not warrant the right to be buried properly in a grave. The act of inhumanity can secondly be viewed by the African American community as an act of intimidation by the oppressor to furt her propel the theory of marginalization and minimize their self worth as citizens of a so called pluralist society. This marginalization theory leads to societal exclusion, the act of leaving one social class at a disadvantage while elevating another social class to point where there becomes a false sense of superiority. This false sense of superiority can and will result in inferiority, a mental prison. The bedrock of inferiority, that is the views that white America or Americans  have toward their opposites, who are black Americans derived from the words set forth by one of our founding fathers, Thomas Jefferson, in his Letters to the State of Virginia. In its fourteenth query he describes what he perceives the Negro to be: â€Å"The negro differences which are physical and moral. The first difference which strikes us is that of colour. Is it not the foundation of a greater or less share of beauty in the two races? Are not the fine mixtures of red and white, the expressions of every passion by greater or less suffusions of colour in the one, preferable to that eternal monotony, which reigns i n the countenances, that immoveable veil of black which covers all the emotions of the other race? Add to these, flowing hair, a more elegant symmetry of form, their own judgment in favour of the whites, declared by their preference of them, as uniformly as is the preference of the Oranootan for the black women over those of his own species. The circumstance of superior beauty, is thought worthy attention in the propagation of our horses, dogs, and other domestic animals; why not in that of man? Besides those of colour, figure, and hair, there are other physical distinctions proving a difference of race. They have less hair on the face and body. Perhaps too a difference of structure in the pulmonary apparatus, which a late ingenious (1) experimentalist has discovered to be the principal regulator of animal heat, may have disabled them from extricating, in the act of inspiration, so much of that fluid from the outer air, or obliged them in expiration, to part with more of it. They seem to require less sleep. A black, after hard labour through the day, will be induced by the slightest amusements to sit up till midnight, or later, though knowing he must be out with the first dawn of the morning. An animal whose body is at rest, and who does not reflect, must be disposed to sleep of course. Comparing them by their faculties of memory, reason, and imagination, it appears to me, that in memory they are equal to the whites; in reason much inferior, as I think one could scarcely be found capable of tracing and comprehending the investigations of Euclid; and that in imagination they are dull, tasteless, and anomalous. It would be unfair to follow them to Africa for this investigation. We will consider them here, on the same stage with the whites, and where the facts are not apocryphal on which a judgment is to be formed. It will be right to make great allowances for the difference of condition, of education, of conversation, of the sphere in which they move. I find that a black had uttered a thought above the level of plain narration; never see even an elementary trait of painting or sculpture. In music they are more generally gifted than the whites with accurate ears for tune and time, and they have been found capable of imagining a small catch (2). Whether they will be equal to the composition of a more extensive run of melody, or of complicated harmony, is yet to be proved. Misery is often the parent of the most affecting touches in poetry. — Among the blacks is misery enough, God knows, but no poetry. Love is the peculiar ;oestrum of the poet. Their love is ardent, but it kindles the senses only, not the imagination. Religion indeed has produced a Phyllis Whately; but it could not produce a poet (Jefferson).† Mr. Jefferson claims that the Negro is less beautiful than whites and that Negro man desires the free flowing long hair of the white woman over that of the Negro women. He says the Negro lacks intelligence, so much so that he doesn’t know when to lie down when his body calls for rest. The Negro is quite capable of imagining, but lacks the skill to produce works of art. The Negro has a foul odor. The Negro has a different pulmonary apparatus than that of the Anglo- man. Thomas Jefferson’s query is the foundation in which biased racial views were built upon and the home in which inferiority breeds. In the context of Elethia, she was not allowed to eat in the white-only establishment, however, she was permitted to take a menial position as the kitchen help. This added to her as well as the other Negro worker’s persistent feelings of inadequacy. â€Å"Not good enough to eat here but good enough to clean your slop jar (Anderson, 323)!† She was able to look but not touch. In Walker’s, Elethia, Uncle Albert not only was he angry when he and his family learned that slavery had ended a decade prior to his knowledge. He felt inferior because due to the oppression of his owner he became an paradigm of Thomas Jefferson’s statement â€Å"the Negro lacks intelligence (Jefferson query XIV).† Uncle Albert did not possess the skill or intellect that kept him ignorant to the laws and abolishment of slavery. His lack of knowledge perpetuated the feelings of inferiority. Another example of inadequacy came to pass when Elethia learned the truth of Uncle Albert’s remains. She saw this as a mockery and another disregard for a Negro life. She viewed Uncle Albert’s standing in the window as a shadow  of racism. The plate glass window holding Uncle Albert’s smiling remains is a misrepresentation of the African American Community. He was placed there like a caricature advertisement to entice patrons to dine at the all white faci lity where they will be handled with the utmost care by our friendly waiter, Uncle Albert. First, the African American old-timers in the text make it clear that Uncle Albert was nobodies Uncle, â€Å"and wouldn’t sit still for anyone to call him that either (Brown 308)†. Second he never smiled, in fact the text leads the reader to believe that Uncle Albert was a bit of a surly man, who was filled with a lot of anger and nowhere to extinguish it. If occasionally he managed to open his mouth in the form of a smile, there would be vacancies where teeth had once dwelled. When the old timers, who were members of the African American community, talked about Uncle Albert, they used his name Albert Porter. This momentarily afforded a black man a little slice of dignity, a representation of a man lacking inferiorities. With the removing of the young black boy’s genitals from the post, Uncle Albert gave the boy and his family a slice of the same pie of dignity; a slice that represented that someone showed compassion for another human soul. In my opinion, the placing of Uncle Albert in the window of the segregated eatery, it says that the Negro will always be less than, enslaved, and subservient in life or in death so he should â€Å"grin and act like a nigger (Brown 309).† When in slavery, Uncle Albert was beaten severely because his oppressor wanted him to forget his past. This was a blatant misrepresentation of him and every black person housed between the walls of racism. Uncle Albert refused to forget. His refusal brought him additional pain and suffering. Stubbornness would not allow him to forget and succumb to the smiling happy Negro. In finding ones identity, one oftentimes has to look at others. Noted scholoar, WEB DuBois explore the Negro culture. In regards to identity he tells us about the double consciousness. â€Å"This double consciousness is a psychological sense experienced by the African Americans whereby they possess the national identity, â€Å"an American,† within a nation that despises their racial identity and that blacks see themselves only through the eyes of white Americans to measure intelligence beauty, and a sense of self-worth by standards set by others (DuBois 4).† Young Elethia was coming of age and her inquisitive nature uncovered truths and these truths led to more inquiries. Who am I? Who is Uncle Albert? Am I my community? Am I Uncle Albert? Am I going to let someone who keeps my community in oppression define who WE should be? Between the lines of the text these questions rang out to me. The title of the short story is Elethia, which when you search for names for girls you find that Elethia means healer. Was Elethia taking on the role as healer for the entire African American community? Was she only there to heal the memory of Uncle Albert? In a search for Elethia’s identity, I think that maybe the author, Walker, purposely named her character Elethia as a subtle way to aide her in the restorative process against inequality. The removal of the symbol of pain weaved together with a mythological symbol that helps lessen the pain in order to make a society whole, is nothing short of genius. It not only helped in the formation of young Elethia it gave a self-esteem booster to the African American community. The absence of Uncle Albert in effect may have unmasked the veil in which W.E.B. DuBois says the black folk live under (14). Uncle Albert’s persona displayed in the window puts me in the mind of Aunt Jemima, a mammy black face figure, with a big smile, whom is overly obedient, and whose primary goal in life is to be happy and subservient to the Anglo community. This is viewed as a negative stereotype in the African American community, not just in the small southern town, but all over America. Due to the veil worn by the African American community, Aunt Jemima was accepted by the African American community before the veil was lifted. The Aunt Jemima persona was juxtaposed as to what Uncle Albert was in life. With him no longer in the window that element has disappeared and the Negro has the freedom to create his own identity. By removing him from the window and giving him a proper cremation, the ‘young self imposed civil rights activist/reconciliators of the community’ not only released him from the glass plated walls of slavery but they gave him a spiritual release to heal his soul and the souls of the community. Not only was Uncle Albert a remembrance of pain he became a commemoration of healing when Elethia along with her friends decided in an act to resist racism decided to free Uncle Albert it became a cleansing for the African American’s of the town. By keeping his ashes it was a reminder of the past; albeit a past Uncle Albert refused to forget. Uncle Albert was not allowed to be free, to go  off to college to be and do better things. He was trapped. Keeping his ashes was also a symbol of humbleness to not forget where you started from. Elethia saw change that disallowed her and her friends to become trapped. This change allowed members of the African American community everywhere to claim and create who they wanted to be for themselves, as well as their families. In Elethia’s travels in life she had ran into several Uncle Alberts and Aunt Albertas who were not permitted to exist (Brown 309). The African American individuals whom were not permitted to be seen or heard by means of oppression, or their own lack or inability to seek a better life. His ashes are a constant reminder of who she is now in the present, how far she has come, and how much further she needs to maintain the feeling of wholeness. Although Wikipedia is not a scholarly source, it gave me the definition of identity and I believe it is reasonably accurate. Identity is defined as sameness, or whatever makes an entity definable and recognizable. By transcribing the memory of Uncle Albert it did just that and also Elethia also created a legacy. This legacy that can be retold without censure or wrong misgivings which gives legacy gives the African American Community a place in history; a place that says yes our people do and did exist. In addition a legacy is about the way one lived or is living in hopes that the future outcome will have results greater than the past. Elethia’s legacy also provides the African American community with history that mirrors the way they look, traditions that existed, the way they speak, and the way they were forced to live. This culmination of factors adds to Elethia as well as the Negro community and adds to each ones identity. I once read somewhere that without a legacy the meaning of life is sometimes lost. Had some of the Uncle Alberts and Aunt Albertas in Elethia path lost their meaning of life and may that loss caused them to be blind? Maybe or maybe not, however one struggle to overcome the products of racism can definitely effect the way ones views himself. In conclusion a legacy can oftentimes become the catalyst that brings about social change and is a definite component of identity. WORK CITED Anderson, J.D., My Bouquet of Kisses, Esquire Publications, Inc.: 3rd edition (April 2011). Aptheker, Henry., American Negro Slave Revolts, Publisher: Intl Pub; 5 edition (August 1983). Brown, Wesley & Ling, Amy, Imagining America Stories from the Promised Land: Persea Books, Inc.: 1st edition (2002). DuBois, W.E.B., The Souls of Black Folk, Barnes & Nobles Classics with New Introduction (1903) Republished 2003. Jefferson, Thomas, Notes on the State of Virginia, (1781) Identity. Retrieved August 4, 2012.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Functional Styles

Scientific prose styleOratorical sub-stylePublicistic styles Pragmatic aimto prove a hypothesis, to create new concepts, to disclose the internal laws of existence, development, relations between different phenomena. is to exert influence on public opinion, to convince the listener that the interpretation given by the speaker is the only correct one and to cause him to accept the point of view expressed in the speech not merely by logical argumentation, but by emotional appeal as well. o exert influence on public opinion, to convince the reader or the listener that the interpretation given by the writer or the speaker is the only correct one and to cause him to accept the point of view expressed in the speech, essay or article not merely by logical argumentation, but by emotional appeal as well Situation of applicationThe genre of scientific works is mostly characteristic of the written form of language (scientific articles, monographs or textbooks), but it may also be found in its o ral form (in scientific reports, lectures, discussions at conferences, etc. The oratorical sub- style is used in public speeches on political and social problems of the day, in orations and addresses on solemn occasions as public weddings, funerals and jubilees, in sermons and debates and also in the speeches of counsel and judges in courts of law. The publicistic style is used in public speeches and printed public works which are addressed to a broad audience and devoted to important social or political events, public problems of cultural or moral character.Phonological featuresA group of some learned words drawn from the Romance languages and, though fully adapted to the English phonetic system, some of them continue to sound singularly foreign. Their very sound seems to create complex associations: deleterious, emollient, incommodious, meditation, illusionary. Use of exclamations to attract listener’s attention. Use of a strong rhythm and a clear rising + falling intonatio n sequence, convey a sense of rhetorical power, structural control, and semantic completeness.They are widely used in formal writing. And they are especially common in political speeches, where the third item provides a climax of expression which can act as a cue for applause. Use of exclamations to attract listener’s attention. Semantic featuresSemantic accuracy. Words are used in their primary logical meaning. Hardly a single word will be found here which is used in more than one meaning. Nor will there be any words with contextual meaning. Even the possibility of ambiguity is avoided.The stylistic devices employed in the oratorical style are determined by the conditions of communication. An antithesis is framed by parallel constructions, which, in their turn, are accompanied by repetition, while a climax can be formed by repetitions of different kinds. The stylistic devices employed in the oratorical style are determined by the conditions of communication. An antithesis is framed by parallel constructions, which, in their turn, are accompanied by repetition, while a climax can be formed by repetitions of different kinds.Grammatical featuresnominal character ( the predominance of nouns over verbs) in the use of parts of speech, the use of prepositional â€Å"of-phrases† to substitute the genitive case, transposition of the classes of nouns, wide use of the Passive Voice, Indefinite Tenses, specialization of pronouns in demonstrative and intensification functions, numerous conjunctions revealing the logical order of the text as well as double conjunctions ( not merely†¦ but also, whether †¦ or both†¦ and, as†¦ s), adverbs of logical connection ;Use of the 1st person pronoun we; 2nd person pronoun you: We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness†¦(Th. Jeffers on, The Declaration of Independence). The use of contractions I’ll; won’t; haven’t; isn’t and others. Use of Figures of Repetition and intensification. Use of the 1st person pronoun we; 2nd person pronoun you. The use of contractions I’ll; won’t; haven’t; isn’t and others.Use of Figures of Repetition and intensification. Stylistic usage of morphological forms. Vocabulary usedhighly specialized scientific terminology, terminological groups, revealing the conceptual systems of the scientific style, the peculiarities of the use of terms in scientific speech, the use of nouns and verbs in abstract meanings, special reference words, scientific phraseology – cliches, stereotyped and hackneyed word combinations and idioms, priority of neutral vocabulary, limitations in the use of emotional- evaluative and expressive vocabulary and phraseology, absence of on-literary vocabulary and phraseology ( slang words, vulgarisms, obscene words) , peculiarities in word- building (standard suffixes and prefixes, mainly of Greek and Latin origin – tele-, morpho, philo- -ism, etc. , peculiarities in the scarce use of imagery (usually trite and hackneyed, the priority of the functions of intensification and decoration, non-systematic, narrow contextual character, absence of rich associations, schematic and generalized character)The oratory is usually characterized by emotional colouring and connotations. The vocabulary of speeches is usually elaborately chosen and remains mainly in the sphere of high-flown style.Use of of neutral and bookish vocabulary, wide use of language means to actualize chronotop (proper and geographical names, abundance of statistics, toponymic and proper names, facts and data), means of evaluation, neologisms, social political terminology, a great number of loan-words and international words, use words and word-combinations of other styles ( especially, conversational), against the general background of the bookish style vocabulary, including terminology as well as means of imagery to increase expressiveness / trite metaphors, metonymies, personification, metaphorical paraphrases, metaphorical use of terminology/, newspaper terms: newspaper vocabulary and cliches (journalese and bookish), decomposition of phraseological units. Word-building: loan suffixes and prefixes as well as combination of words;Morphological featuresSingular forms indicate mainly impossibility of referring number notion to the phenomena which are expressed by word-forms, so here weakening of number meaning takes place, because the form belongs to the abstract nounsThe use of the singular number of nouns in their collective meaning, plural number for the definition of generalization, wide use of the superlative degree of adjectives in order to reveal expressiveness as well as the use of adjectives-colouratives, substantiation and evaluation of the use of numerals, adjectives and participles. The use of the singular number of nouns in their collective meaning, plural number for the definition of generalization, wide use of the superlative degree of adjectives in order to reveal expressiveness as well as the use of adjectives-colouratives, substantiation and evaluation of the use of numerals, adjectives and participles. Syntactical featuresAverage sentence length (7-52 words) narmal academic writing.Priority of full, logically correct, regular syntactical models, the syntax of simple sentence in the scientific speech – extensive use of extended two-member sentence, priority in the use of compound sentences, extensive use of secondary predicative constructions ( Complex Object, Participial and Gerundial Constructions), wide use of conjunctions and denominative prepositions, concise expression of syntactical connection in word combinations, sentences, groups of sentences, absolute priority of declarative sentences in the use of communicative types of sentences; Use of co mplex syntax, complex, composite and simple extended sentences, sentences in many cases make up the whole paragraphs, a wide use of attributive groups, and infinitives, participles, gerunds and constructions with them, use of syntactical complexes (Complex Object, Complex Subject), Nominal Absolute Participial Constructions, specific word order.Average sentence length (9-11words) and average degree of complexity in the sentence structure. Wide use of declarative sentences. The use of questions, exclamatory sentences for the sake of expressiveness. Publicistic style is characterized by coherent and logical syntactical structure, with an expanded system of connectives and careful paragraphing. Use of complex syntax, complex, composite and simple extended sentences, sentences in many cases make up the whole paragraphs, a wide use of attributive groups, and infinitives, participles, gerunds and constructions with them, use of syntactical complexes (Complex Object, Complex Subject), Nomi nal Absolute Participial Constructions, specific word order.Means of expressive syntax: inversions, parallelism, antithesis, parcellation, gradation, isolation, different types of the author's words presentation and conversational constructions, different patterns in the use of homogeneous parts of the sentence – double, three-element and multi-element; Types of texts (see Morokhovskiy)According to the type of discourses it can be scientific, but popular scientific style which combines the features of scientific and belles-lettres styles can also existTransactionalThe expository text type, Mass Media text type Genres of texts (see Morokhovskiy)The genre of scientific works is mostly characteristic of the written form of language (scientific articles, monographs or textbooks), but it may also be found in its oral form (in scientific reports, lectures, discussions at conferences, etc. ); in the latter case this style has some features of colloquial speech. Transactional genreEx pository genre Conclusion Different scolars subdivide functional styles in different way for example the classification of I. R. Galperin, M. D. Kuznets, I. V. Arnold , A. N. Morokhovsky in some aspects are the same but in other the differs, and the same we have with the division of the genres and text types.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Training and Assessment TAEDEL301A Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Training and Assessment TAEDEL301A - Essay Example But within a few days of regular practice, one’s reflexes get tuned in with the whole process and one starts following it automatically. The task of driving can be explained from the perspective of the behaviouristic and cognitive theories. According to behaviourism, the reflexes of the body get conditioned to an action that it performs repetitively; hence in the presence of the stimulus, the body performs the task automatically. According to cognitive principles, with regular practice or repetition of a particular task, the mind adjusts and accommodates the new knowledge with the existing knowledge to form a new knowledge structure. As a result, the knowledge of the task passes from the short term memory to the long term memory and makes the learning permanent. The learner can be provided different types of trouble shooting cases and asked to resolve them. Practising the task in different contexts/situations would reinforce the acquired knowledge/skill. This task should be practised on a regular basis. It would help the learner respond quickly to situations and handle any kind of situation. In case of trouble shooting in customer care, the most effective way to determine learner performance is through customer feedback. The other way of evaluating is through mock test, where peers are acting as customers and the learning participant has to resolve the problems that each one comes up with. This assessment tool is relevant for evaluating the learner’s performance because it helps the instructor to see the learner in action. On the part of the learner, he/she also gets a real feel of doing the task hands-on and also understanding where he/she needs to improve. Learning takes place through adaptations and changes. Without initiating a change in the performance level or capacity of the learner, real learning cannot be facilitated. New knowledge structure

Thursday, September 26, 2019

International Systems Corporatin Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

International Systems Corporatin - Case Study Example The most significant problems that are affecting the plant include, material cost and a bad co-ordination between Research & Development people and Production engineers. Repeated design changing is making the overall cost higher. Had been designs coming from R & D section go directly for production without any more rectification, cost would have lowered. There is a dispute between R & D and Production peoples. One is blaming the other, which forces me to incorporate one special investigation team to govern actually where the conflict is. One design after coming to Production section does not reserves the right to be changed without proper notification to me. According to the notice sent by Employee & Community Relation Manager, we need to hire women and people of color very soon and make sure a higher percentage will be recruited into Production section which requires more effective manpower. Nothing is born perfect. We have to give the color of perfection. Question is not how effective we are, rather question is how much more we have to be. There must be a good relation among the people in the department as well as within various departments. After getting sure that design is complete and may rule over the market then only materials should be purchased. Otherwise it's immaterial to periodically purchase and change the model structure. To set up good relationship, weekly meetings will be organized where all the in- charges of various sections may come with their ambiguities and questions if any. Other than this, picnic party, cultural activities will help the employees to intermingle. As Baker and Baker is interested for our model 80, so production engineers must do their work to make the product available as soon as possible. After that only other models and multi channel digital system will be carried out. As we are hiring people, later on works can be split up. The product whose design is about to complete; before going to production department, requisites must be sent to material management people. If after purchasing any such modification is required, it should be done showing valid cause before me. Finally, instead of maintaining own records department heads are requested to provide necessary information to the finance authority. Response to Robert Strauss We all know that company is running above the projected expenditure for last few months especially due to higher material cost. I have understood the actual reason behind it. It has been decided, next time onwards prior to sending the design to production department, a list of required materials will be given to your department. And also designers/production peoples are not allowed to change the design so easily ensuring proper utilization of the resources purchased. Model 95 will be told to stall for a moment till model 80 gets done. Another discussion I want to make with you regarding the materials that remain unutilized due to the changing of designs. We will check if

Equality and Diversity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Equality and Diversity - Essay Example They were attacking more the fact that I was Muslim who looked and dressed differently from them. I shall refer to this incident now and then as I advance in analyzing the concept of racism, more particularly social exclusion. I will mention some two theories of power that could possibly explain my case, where the first one is basically the model against which this paper hinges on, and the other one to explain the ruler-subject set-up and its requirements. The latter one is more political than sociological, however, but it will give insights into social division and how oppression is committed. Basically, this paper will look into racism and limit it to my experience, particularly on same-race racism. I will deal with social exclusion, particularly on the issue of migrant ethnic minorities and the feeling of being looked upon as specimens including matters of dressing. Religion will necessarily be touched especially where Muslims are concerned, and the freedom to study and live where one is allowed to do so. I will then lead to what can be done, mentioning about the general finding of a youth dialogue in a Detroit experiment. Finally I will arrive at proper self-criticism as a resolution to all of these a s a syndrome. Theory of social dominance. Sidanus (in Powell, 2006) forwarded a most logical explanation of power in what obtains in society. Looking at society as a group-based hierarchy, Sidanus mentioned three major divisions that determine power in some ways: age, sex, and grouping. Accordingly, older individuals dominate younger ones; males dominate females; and the more dominant group (in-group) prevails over the subordinate group. Sidanus' theory explained that the third form of division is chiefly expressed by in-group males against out-group males, defined as xenophobia and racism. It is said that for this third division, religion, nationality, ethnicity, and other differences can also serve to mark divisions in society. Accordingly, the reason egalitarianism will never win is because "Whenever the old structures are overthrown, the natural human tendency to draw lines between groups and to establish a societal pecking order kicks into action." (Sidanus. In Powell, 2006). Between xenophobia and racism, according to Stoler (1997), xenophobia is fear of foreigners, while racism, which is more encompassing in meaning, is the belief that built-in biological differences among human races determine whether one's own race is superior over the others and has the right to rule over them. (, 2006). Racism takes the form of prejudice, discrimination, or subordination, and can be both open and concealed. Individual racism sometimes consists of open acts of individuals resulting in violence or destruction of property. There is also so-called same-race racism where members of one race associate behaviours or appearance of other members of their race as being in relation to another race which is regarded negatively (Stoler, 1997). A form of cultural racism can also be related to this, where members of a racial group are chastised by their members for adopting a culture perceived to be of another race. The incident I had encountered, while I and the two girls could be said to be of same-race [coming from Africa], took a different path. They apparently had expected that since we were in UK, and not Africa, we had to act differently. But

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Mobile VoIP and WiMAX Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Mobile VoIP and WiMAX - Research Paper Example By definition a protocol is a set of rules that is used to allow orderly communication (Kelly, 2005). Actually, even if another type of network is used, the same set of internet protocols are used to transmit voice over that particular network. In the present era, mobile phones have revolutionized the world in many ways. It is mainly because of the portability and comfort it offers. People pay huge sum of money to buy those classy and slim mobiles. It has actually become a status symbol. Mobile phone is more than just a call and texting device. With all the latest apps and android processors, mobile serve many multimedia purposes, therefore, further increasing its worth and demand. Keeping these factors in mind many VoIP service providers looked into new ways of integrating their technology with mobile phones. This will enable the user to use their mobile phones to route calls over the internet. This is known as Mobile VoIP. This term can be defined as a procedure of applying VoIP te chnology to your mobile handsets (Tracey, 2008). But it requires the mobile user to have access to mobile internet via 3G networks or Wi-Fi. To understand why many VoIP service providers turned towards mobile VoIP, it is important to dig up few years of VoIP market history. It is interesting to know that most of the giants in the mobile VoIP today did not started as mobile VoIP service providers. For example, Skype is one of the largest mobile VoIP providers today and it evolved in this particular market over the years of struggle and experimentation. Skype started to provide its services as Skype-to-Skype free calls that would require both users to use a computer and internet connection. By the beginning of 2008 Skype had 276 million registered users around the world who had talked over 100 billion minutes using this service. There is little

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

How Experience of Colonialism Affected Latin American Development And Essay

How Experience of Colonialism Affected Latin American Development And Post-independence - Essay Example This report stresses that Tte wars for independence led to fragmentation of the existing political order, militarization and mobilization of war resources that ultimately continued the civil wars even after independence. The independence was not immediately accompanied by economic and social growth since there were not property rights protection and enough structures that could guarantee trade flows. Haiti was one of the lucrative countries due to exports of sugar and French colonizers forced the country to pay reparations after its independence in 1804 thus shelling out more than 80 percent of the nation’s budget. This paper makes a conclusion that colonisation of Latin America led to different economic, political and social changes such as new languages, Christianity, and new cultures. The colonial period was marked by economic exploitation of raw materials and political oppression of the natives. The Haiti revolution and subsequent French revolution inspired Latin American movements for independence and led to new nations that faced numerous governance challenges due to lack of constitution and struggles for economic success by the elite natives. The post-independence period was marked by export-led economy, military coups, internal conflicts and clamor for political revolution. However, the current Latin American society has integrated in to world markets and is currently experiencing political stability due to democratic governance and social welfare policies.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Building and sustaining strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Building and sustaining strategy - Essay Example The mission statement is to be the best advertising company in the world 1.2 The Market Target market: The target market is small entrepreneurs in addition to large multinational companies experiencing difficulties in marketing. Marketing strategy: My plans are to capture the market through advertisement of the company that will be mainly done online. My other way of targeting the intended market is by providing good and quality services in addition to offering after sale services to the customers. The other way is by charging low prices in order to attract the customers by offering them discounts. 1.3 The Finances The first quarter of our business operation will mainly intended to break even. The second quarter is intended to start building provides. The annual intended target is $100 million dollars and this will be expected to keep increasing while the business keeps adapting to rapid changing economic demands. 2.0 Registration Details Business name: WRSX Group Trading name(s): WR SX Group Date registered: 18/12/2012 Location(s) registered: Business structure: company Licences & permits: council permits on safety, business operations, security 2.1 Business Premises Business location: The business centre will be located in Happyville. 3.0 The Business Vision Statement In the next 3 years, WRSX Group will become a recognized leader in the local and international advertisement firm in the world. Mission Statement Members will receive personalised programs to suit their individual needs at competitive market rates. Staff will have a client focus, and a thirst for continual development of knowledge and their craft. Clients will be motivated to continue to exercise through a variety of programs, with their individual characteristics taken into account. All decisions will be based upon integrity, honesty, efficiency, and a desire for high quality. Management & Ownership Names of owners: james milner, terry mclean, Diana rose, Jamie fox, ann robinson, john lesly, bri an pink. Details of management & ownership: As the owners we will run the business and share the profits and dividends according to the shares each member has contributed Key Personnel Recruitment options Selection and recruiting will be done professionally through the internet and oral interviews will be conducted after applications have been collected. The applicant will also undergo a practical interview on the gym training skills they have. Training programs Personal training of the staff will be provided in order to familiarize with the services offered and handling of the sophisticated machines and equipment Skill retention strategies Staff and employees must be licenced as professionals who can safely work in the centre. The staff must renew their licences every year to ensure professionalism is maintained. However, regular training and evaluations will be provided in order to keep the staff updated with the latest skills. Market position: The business is located strategicall y in the middle of the town Unique selling Our products are both necessity and luxurious and fulfilling customers’ needs and demands are our major motive. Growth potential: Growth is likely to increase due to the demand especially with the sudden changes in technology and innovation with regard to a lot of competition in the market 3.7 Insurance Payment types accepted: Payment of the services offered may be made via electronic money to an account on our website, in

Sunday, September 22, 2019

The Birthday Party Essay Example for Free

The Birthday Party Essay Theatrical features of the birthday party The birthday party considered as one of the greatest Pinter’s work which reflect his own rules and features of his own drama. Perhaps Pinter is very different from other absurdist writers as the Irish Samuel Becket and Inesco.but in anyhow I can assume that the theatre of the absurd as called by Martin Essllin has witnessed some other themes and set of ideas that makes it relevant .This is partly as a results of Pinter’s style of writing ; he does not preach lecture or categorical statement , but instead present his audience with incident ,characters ,language that suggest that something of great significance is taking place ,without ever being specific about what is it . So that the birthday party is an exploratory work that stimulate the audience into a wide range of topic , and perhaps the most vital thing to remember it is at one and the same time a play about the status of the artist in society , and how people fail to communicate, and about people need for security . Language is a tool to articulate and express opinions, but in the birthday party people used language in other aims. we have the undesirability of communication characters do not want to talk with each other they use language as an escape from truth we do not know whether the word they said are true or false and that is related to lack of verification and unverifiability which is between truth and falsehood cannot be detected. In the opening of the play we have a talkative woman that speaks a lot with her husband in an absurd manner communicating things with no real value. Pinter suggesting that people are too frightened of real communication to use language for this purpose, because real communication may reveal other weakness and deficiencies thus much language in the play is an attempt to cover up and evade the truth. Goldberg’s memories of youth as an example used in order to remove from Goldberg the obligation or need to talk about what is happening now. So the whole theme in the birthday could be summed up by saying that in the birthday party people are shown as being either unable or unwilling to convey accurately their feeling and thoughts to other people. Also in this play we have a struggle or a paradoxical situation between individuality presented by Stanly that presented as an artist in society. in this interpretation in which Stanly represent the man with creative talent who defies the conventions of society by his mode of living as someone who  refuses the traditional way of thinking and the values of society , and by refusing to accept it , and insist remains outside .therefore the character of Stanly considered as a menace to the system of society he may encourage other people to revolt against it. If this could happen people doesn’t do what society demand from them it mean the collapse and a total distraction of society as a whole . therefore Stanly has to be drawn back in order to obey to the rules and being conformist by force if necessary .and the second part the two conformist man Goldberg and McCann whom considered as symbol that shattered the illusion of security of Stanly .that least one is an artist means freedom of artistic expression furthermore Stanly appears at end of the play in dark suit and white collar , shaven and unable to articulate or express himself this notions means Stanly start to fit in society . he has been made respectable, from this it is easy to argue that this is what society demands of its members an unthinking obedience and lack of any individuality . All Pinter’s play has the same scenario that have in the middle of it an unknown menace that come from the outside world. The first play was the room wirriten in 1957 that contains that idea of outsiders force. In the Birthday party the room have also a great significance that made by Harold Pinter, it means the security for Stanly also as a womb of a mother , somewhere warm secure for its inhabitants . This significance of the room is related to the isolation of Stanly as an individual member. But this security is shattered by outsiders’ forces which considered as metaphysical that comes from outside the room and show that this security is unrealistic, a vain of hope. We can say that outsider menace is the result of being strange and not like the majority of society. Stanly as an example he isolate himself from others and that what considered as a threat to the government. Finally we can assume that the play of the birthday party is an illustration of the state of modern man in the historical context after the second world war. I suggest that it main purpose is to describe the modern man who was influenced by the wars and violence he is lost and this feeling of lost is clearly shown in the play when Pinter used darkness in his play and this action made the reader and audience lost too. Obviously that theme of obscurity is also applied at level of communication and use of  language when people fail to express their real emotion and opinion. There is an undesirability of communication people are frightened to tell other what they feel rather they keep silence and this use of pause by the writer is deliberately in a manner to show the audience that not everything we communicate is in purpose, but the truth is what isn’t as Pinter said : I think we communicate only too well in our silence, in what is unsaid. Also in this play we have the use of la nguage as a weapon to distract and make other obey to other’s willing and that is a part of the menace which comes from the outside of the secure room .

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Ensuring Effective Assessment In Psychiatry And Mental Health Nursing Essay

Ensuring Effective Assessment In Psychiatry And Mental Health Nursing Essay In the domain of psychiatry and specifically in the area of mental health nursing, it is essential that an early, quality assessment with accurate information is gathered about the patient. Psychotic, neurotic and depressed behaviours are all different. Sullivan (1990) makes it clear that poor assessment and/or misinterpretation of a patients presentation can be critical to their well-being and subsequent treatment or therapies. Bearing this in mind, it becomes vital that the mental health nurse is adept at conducting effective assessments. This account considers such exemplars through witnessing a one to one interview in an acute unit, will analyse and reflect on those skills employed to assess the bio-psycho-social needs of the patient and include references to clarify evidence-based practise. In keeping with the Code of Confidentiality as is required by (An Bord Altranais (ABA) 2000), relating to client confidentiality, names and locations involved have been changed. Thus, the client will be called Mary. The Gibbs cycle (1988), is used as a reflection tool to create a structured account of the discussion, and clearly show that true reflection in practise has occurred during its research. Mary is a 38-year-old married female depressive and more recently has had a secondary diagnosis of Anorexia. She has been a frequent patient over ten years to the acute ward where I was on placement. Mary was assigned a nurse whom I shadowed during this time to make my observations who was very helpful and pointed out pertinent features of mental health care practice to me. Mary refuses to eat and drinks only when her body demands it. When unfamiliar people are near, she gives distressed cries. She is on high protein fluids and is weighed every few days. I was shown how to observe her eating pattern and left to perform my task.  I was embarrassed and horrified that she wouldnt eat for me and as she wouldnt talk I had no idea whether she liked what was offered to her. I felt out of my depth and didn t know what to do. She would scream and shout out at me and Im not sure whether this was her way of trying to  communicate with me. I felt I should be doing more for her but not sure what. I informed my preceptor that she would not eat what was offered and was told not to worry he would try again, she turned her head. I felt totally useless as I could see this lady was fading away from lack of food but as she refused to eat there wasnt much I could do and as she would not talk  I didnt know how to communicate with her. Deliberate self-harm may refer to any act of non-accidental, self-inflicted injury.   It covers a broad spectrum of behaviour from successful suicides to non-fatal overdoses or self-inflicted wounding, which may have been previously classed as attempted suicide McAlaney ( 2004). Whilst Marys medical condition was not assessed as being immediately life-threatening her psychological presentation gave the nurse no other alternative than to contact the on call senior psychiatric house officer to conduct an assessment (bio/soc/psy evaluation) of her mental state. It must contain a detailed and precise record of what happened and any answers given to often very structured forms of psychological questioning. Thompson and Mathias (2000) likewise describe the process as acquiring information about a person or situation that may include a description of the persons wants and ambitions. Although I was not allowed to sit in with this interview I was fortunate to be present when Marys assigned nurse was talking to Mary on a one to one basis. Before entering the room where the assessment was to take place, I obtained the required consent from Mary (A.B.A. 2000) to be present. Control of the environment and assuring privacy can be central to successful assessment. Despite not being specifically designed for the assessment of distressed patients the nurse quickly checked for comfort, that chairs were the same height, distanced suitably from each other to avoid invasion of personal space yet allowing easy discussion. The nurse remained at the same level as his patient at all times and practised positive body language; leaning slightly forward in his chair, maintaining an open posture and remaining relaxed throughout. These characteristics have been well documented by Farley (1992). He further ensured that Mary had sufficient water and nutrition prior to the assessment- as far as she was willing that day considering her condition. The important thing was to have Mary at ease. Thompson and Mathias (2000) suggest that careful attention should be given to these points.   He then asked Mary how she would prefer to be addressed. Holland and Hogg (2001) reported that professionals must not assume that everyone wishes to be known by their listed name.   This clarification promotes affability as well as professionalism.  Ã‚   Brief periods of general chat opened the session to set an ambient atmosphere for the interview. This introductory phase is also referred to as the orientation or pre-helping phase. Forchuk (2002), states that Health professionals with well-honed listening skills, empathy and who display understanding allow patients to express their concerns, discuss options and build trust. The nurse interviewing Mary didnt rush the interview, let silence prevail for her to consider her answers and further supported Mary with encouraging statements to draw information such as, Tell me a little more what makes you feel this wayà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Martin (1995), concludes silences actually maximise interaction with a patient. At this stage of the process Mary tentatively began disclosing some information to the nurse and it could be noticed that a therapeutic relationship was beginning to formulate. Actually engaging in conversation whether disclosure or otherwise was a big step for Mary.   The works of Burnard (1999) further promoted this observation. Mary seemed to be doing most of the talking while the nurse responded with active listening. Listening with attention and commitment is a caring response and forms the basis of all effective communication. Eye contact and continuation sounds, body language and gesture all gave safe non-verbal messages and encouraged continued conversation.   Brereton (1995) has identified that listening skills dominate talking skills; in the context of a psychiatric assessment this showed that a clients condition gives added value if the doctor is able to give time to the patient to express herself rather than give her (the doctor) interpretation of what she may have been trying to say. Mary was now helping herself and seemed a little relieved to be sharing her thoughts at this time.   Marys mood was important to the assessment. The nurse identified her presentation as familiar with that of depression and  her diagnosis was supported by her confirmation of not wanting to eat or drink and feeling uncomfortable around people. She became distressed and was unable to maintain eye contact. These symptoms are classic of the depressed patient Barker (1997). To support this diagnosis, both open and closed questions were necessary. A closed question directly requires a yes or no response but does not necessarily invite any elaboration. Barker (1997) suggests that closed questions are appropriate in the initial stages of the assessment to establish simple facts and clarification as they put fewer demands on the patient. In this assessment the nurse had managed to establish rapport quite quickly and asked more open questions (using how/why) like I am interested that you say you dont want to eat any more, can you tell me a little more why you feel like this? as opposed to, Are you eating well? but Mary began to withdraw. This cue told the experienced nurse to hold back and it began to identify the content of her thoughts and he noted the responses discreetly whilst attempting to retain eye contact with her as much as possible. The process of maintaining eye contact was further used to examine her ability to reciprocate. Nelson-Jones, (2002) mentions that the inability of patients to maintain prolonged eye contact would indicate he/she may be in a withdrawn state or feel uncomfortable in his/her condition. Barker (1997) further stated that over enthusiasm about eye contact might cause an aggressive or confrontational experience. The use of this method was appropriate as the assessment progressed. The nurse summarised in terms that Mary could understand, and identified key points discussed, gaining Marys affirmation that her interpretation was valid. Nelson-Jones (2002) said this process gives the patient a clear feeling of acknowledgement from another of their deepest feelings while  aiding the recovery process. The skills used in Mental Health  assessments emphasise the need for a holistic approach in the work of the Mental Health  Nurse. There is no standard format or panacea in the profession of Mental Health Nursing; the many tools and strategies used throughout the process depend fundamentally on the skill of treating each person as an individual, with their own set of needs and concerns as paramount. The assessment witnessed demonstrated that combining these skills promotes a good rapport with the patient and most importantly getting a full picture that can be interpreted and shared with the multi disciplinary team for the onward process of the care pathway approach. I have discovered that being objectively caring and non-judgmental in assessing the current situation at presentation is a key attribute in assessment skill. Often when interviewing known clients it can be difficult to avoid simply replicating their previous diagnosis or being frightened by the available evidence. I have further reflected on the necessity to question a patient using inter personal skills and effective non-verbal stimuli to encourage exploration and expression of their feelings, sometimes when they are particularly vulnerable, in order to help them. Academic research and observed practise-based experience can help the development of these skills. I have further learnt that people in crisis need continual support and assistance through their acute phase. This will make me more aware of my communication skills.

Friday, September 20, 2019

The Definition Of Globalization Education Essay

The Definition Of Globalization Education Essay Globalization has brought about many changes in human lives. Globalisation, which started off in the West, was brought about by many factors. Some of it is the the emergence of the information technology and also the economic competition between different countries (Jarvis, 2007, p. 44). Here, it is obvious that globalization was about the economic benefit at first and later had also impacted many others categories of human lives such as education and environment. The impacts and effects of globalization could be seen everywhere, from the food industry to the music that one listens. Some would argue that globalization benefitted the mass, and therefore it is something good. However, some would refute by saying that globalization has also had some negative impacts. Therefore, I would like to find out and discuss the effects of globalization specifically in education. This paper would examine closely the effects of globalization in education in terms of commodification, internationalis ation, citizenship and also accessibility of knowledge. This essay would argue that although globalization brings some positive effects, it also brings some negative effects that sometimes could be considered to outweigh the benefits of it. The arguments will be put forward by first defining globalization and then highlighting some of the different types of globalization. This will be followed by discussing the impact of globalization in education in terms of commodification, internationalisation, citizenship, and accessibility of knowledge. Last but not least, this essay will discuss the implications for teachers in a Malaysian secondary school classroom. Defination of Globalization There are tremendous amount of literature on the definition of globalization. Globalisation seemed to an easy word to define at first. However, there are many definitions of it where each and one of these definitions are looked from various different perspectives such as social, economy and political perspectives. From an political point of view, Beck (2000, p. 11) defines globalization as a process through which transnational actors undermine sovereign national states with varying prospect of power, direction, identities, and network. From a communication point of view, globalization as a concept refers to both to the compression of the world and the intensification of consciousness of the world as a whole (Robertson, 1992, p. 8). Similarly, Luke (2005), stated that globalization is how the world is shrinking in the sense that people can communicate to each other instantaneously through the use of technology especially the internet. On a different plane, Waters (1995, p. 3) looks at globalization as a social change where physical boundaries of place on the social and cultural aspects are diminishing and the public are aware that it is diminishing. Looking from a social perspectives or point of view, globalization is the escalation of global social relations which connect far localities in such a way that local events are influenced by events occurring in the far distance and vice versa. (Held, 1991 cited in Morrow Torres, 2000, p. 29). Therefore, it can said that globalisation is the weakening of the physical boundaries surrounding the nation or states, in which affects aspects of human life such as culture, social interaction, economy, politics and many other aspects. The less visible boundaries mean that people are more likely to interact with each other. If the interaction is between people or party of same position or status, the interaction could be in a neutral way. However, if the interaction is between people or party of unequal status or power, the m ore privileged will tend to influence the less privileged it can also happen that the less privileged might want to imitate the more privileged in order to live the same condition as the opposite party. When looking at the definitions of globalisation, it is important to also highlight the different types of globalisation. Here, cultural, economy and political globalisation will be discussed closely. Cultural globalisation is about the spread of one stronger element of culture, which in many cases, would be the American culture. This is done through the American media which penetrates most parts of world. Songs, films, and many more are easily available around the world (Jarvis, 2007). Besides, he also argues that many new cultural institutions have become industries where these institutions are trying to sell their culture. However, one would argue that cultural globalisation could also strengthen the culture in particular society if the member of the society choose to resist the wave of global influx of different foreign culture. According to Jones (1998, p. 146), cultural globalisation includes deteriorating religious mosaic, a deteriorating cosmopolitanism and diversity, widespread consumption of simulations and representations, global distribution of images and information and universal tourism. Therefore, it can be said that cultural globalization is the process where the l ocal cultural aspect of a community disappears in certain rate and substituted with a global culture. On the other hand, economy globalisation includes several aspects such as transnational companies. Transnational companies are companies that operate at a global level without needing to follow a certain nations law and regulation (Bottery, 2006). These companies bring profit to the nation through taxation. These companies possess a huge influence as they are not bound to a countrys law. Transnational companies have power beyond the nations or the states (Jarvis, 1998). Besides, economy globalisation also includes the bigger organisations such as International Monetary Fund (IMF) which provides loan and fund to developing countries. However, it is crucial to highlight here that this economy globalisaton is the setting of other types of globalization (Bottery, 2006). This is because economy is the source of income and the setting of work for people. According to Jones (1998, p. 145), economy globalisation includes freedom of exchange between localities with flows of services and symbo lic commodities, balance of production activity in a locality determined by its physical and geographical advantages, minimal direct foreign investment, flexible responsiveness of organisations to global markets, decentralised, instantaneous and stateless financial markets and free movement of labour. Political globalization looks at the diminishing power of the state where due to globalization, the power is local authority might be weakening. According to Jones (1998 p. 146), political globalisation is portrayed through an absence of state sovereignty and multiple centres of power at global, local and intermediate levels, local issues discussed and situated in relation to a global community, powerful international organisations predominant over national organisations, fluid and multi-centric international relations, a weakening of value attached to the nation-state and a strengthening of common and global political values. Thus, the meaning of being a certain country or nations citizen also gets blurred. The notion of citizen is not as a unified and unifying concept as before when there is certain loss of nation-state sovereignty, or the erosion of national autonomy (Burbules and Torres, 2000, p. 14). The Effect of Globalisation in Education Having looked at the brief categorization of globalization in general, this section will focus on the effect of globalization in education. This section will look at commodification, internationalisation, citizenship and accessibility of knowledge. Commodification is the term used to describe commodification can be seen in two ways, the displacement of use values by exchange values or in general to describe how consumer culture becomes embedded in daily lives through various ways (Ball, 2004, p.4). This consumer culture that is a global phenomenon today has also effected the education sector. Commodification of education is evident from the primary school to the higher education. Many are affected by, especially the parents and the students. Due to the competition for the entrance of an excellent school, parents and the learner will be under a lot of pressure to prepare themselves so they can qualify to this prestigious or high-league table-ranked schools. The society without noticing is drawn to this concept of education commodification due to the societal pressure. Similarly, the teachers and staff in this schools are forced to work hard to maintain the schools league table position so they can maintain the financial support from the government. The demands of competition, the information provided by League Tables, pressures from the state for performance improvement and target-achievement and per-capita funding, in a period of spending constraints, work together to create local economies of student worth where schools compete to recruit those students, most likely to contribute to improvements and performance (Ball, 2004, p. 10). Therefore, in this situation the commodification of education does not really seem to benefitting the learners, or the even parents. This cycle of incentives for performance is not something good as it contradicts with the value of education. .Another effect of globalization is the internationalization of education. Internationalisation is the process of intergrating an international or intercultural dimension into the teaching, research and exercise function of the institution (Knight, 1994, p. 16 cited in Knight, 1999) . Internationalisation is about globalization. Internationalisation happens usually at higher level education. There are many reasons for the internationalisation of the higher education. One of it is the internationalisation will help foreign policy of a country. Through internationalisation, a country will be perceived as welcoming and friendly to the different cultural aspects. In other words, internationalisation will indicate that the country appreciates the various cultures that exist are open to accepting them. On an economic point of view, internationalisation will help attract investment from foreign countries to a country. This will boost the countrys economy through the investments (Knight, 199 9). By internationalisation, the quality of teaching and learning process could be improved. This is because internationalisation encourages acceptance of various culture and integrates this in the teaching and learning process. The students will be exposed to various source of knowledge about the world. This knowledge of the world will help the learners to understand and make sense the difference and similarities people around the world have from one culture to another. Besides, internationalisation will also en courage partnership between various universities around the world. This is because through internationalization, one common medium of interaction will be chosen between the cooperating universities, which will likely to be English. Having a common language and some similarities will further encourage cooperation work between universities from different countries. Citizenship Another effect of globalization in education is that the accessibility of knowledge. Through the internet, many different kind of knowledge are readily accessible on the internet (Robertson, 1992). This means the acquisition of knowledge by students are much faster since there they have wide range of knowledge available for them. This would help students and teachers in their learning process. This rapidly growing information on the net could facilitate learning process by providing references and validating certain concepts that the learners are confused or unable to comprehend. Besides, the teachers and learners can build a network system through the net where they can talk and communicate with teachers and students from any part of the world through the internet. This would help teachers and learners to create a global view of education n based on their communication with people from around the world. However, this might also be a problem for the students since with the huge amoun t of information available on the net, the reliability of some of the information is sometimes questionable. Therefore, it is important for the learners to be able to distinguish between reliable and unreliabale information. Besides, it is also important for them to be able to choose and pick which information that is suitable for them. The downside of this body of knowledge available on the internet is that it cannot be accessed by people in certain parts of the world where the communication technology is not at par with the latest communication technology (Burbules, 2000). This in a way widens the gap between the education progress in a developed country with a well-equipped information technology facilities and the education progress in a developing country with poor information technology facilities. In a less progressed country where it is already a struggle to maintain teaching and learning process, the people will not know what they have missed by the lack of facilities. Another aspect of the manifestation of the accessibility information is the distance learning (Foley, 2003). Distance learning is the teaching and learning process which does not happen in a physical classroom, but instead happens in a virtual classroom. This distance learning was already available before the existence of the internet through the use of post. However, the invention of the internet has taken distance learning into a whole new level. Distance education has enabled more people to gain access to education through the many different types of online courses offered by universities and other online course providers. One of the benefits of this distance learning is that the learning process can be done in learners own time, without any peer pressure form classmates. However, the drawback of distance learning is that the reduced or loss of the human touch in the learning and teaching process. Human touch in the form of communication with one another is important in learning. Implications to Teaching and Learning Process in a Malaysian Secondary Classroom. Having discussed the impact of globalization in education on a global level, tis section will try to relate back the impact of globalization in education in a Malaysian context, specifically in a Malaysian secondary classroom. Malaysian secondary classroom consist of students for the age of thirteen to seventeen. These students come from various backgrounds. First and foremost, one of the main implications the effect of globalization in a Malaysian context is the teachers and students should be aware of the effect of globalization in education to the Malaysian education system and also to the global education policy and reforms. Here, the teacher training college plays a crucial part in incorporating the effect of globalization in education to the teacher trainees. This is so that future teachers will be aware of the effects of globalization and then try to inform the students and then create awareness in the students. Besides, it also a teachers responsibility to make the learners aware of the multi dimension of globalization that exist beyond Malaysia. This will help the learners to be able develop critical thinking based on their awareness of the world around them. Futhermore, the appreciation of unique multicultural society that exists around the world, not only in Malaysia should be made known to the learners. On a similar note, as an future educator, it is important to realise that a teaching method or education policy that is a sucess not necessarily u can take everything and put it into another context. Think about the context in which a teacher is teaching so that it is relevant to the students and context. Another implication that can be drawn from the discussion above is that it is important to realize that the abundance of information and knowledge available on the internet comes with a price as well. The implication of these to the Malaysian education especially in a secondary classroom is that the learners should be equipped with the necessary skill to filter the knowledge and than distinguish between facts and non-facts. In order to do this, the teachers should give some exposure of this kind of activity in the classroom. This will help learners, the secondary school students to be able to pick and choose the fact from the rest. Besides, it is also important to be able to pick the information which is useful for the individual rather than using all the information available. Distance learning CONCLUSION 100

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Elizabeth Bishop And Her Poem filling Station Essay example -- essay

Elizabeth Bishop and Her Poem "Filling Station" Elizabeth Bishop's skill as a poet can be clearly seen in the thought- provoking poem entitled Filling Station. She paints the different language levels of poetry with the skill of an artist-- she seems to have an eye for detail as she contrasts the dark and dim reference of a filling station to a more homey, pleasant atmosphere. Bishop aptly arranges her words and expressions through the language devices of voice and metaphor. In Filling Station, Bishop uses tone of voice brilliantly, through the use of phonetics, to create the poem's initial atmosphere. The opening seems to be offering a straightforward description of the filling station: "Oh, but it is dirty!/ -this little filling station,/ oil-soaked, oil-permeated/ to a disturbing, over-all/ black translucency". A closer inspection of the passage reveals quite a visual oil-soaked picture. This is created in large part by the oily sounds themselves. When spoken out-loud the diphthong [oi] in oil creates a diffusion of sound around the mouth that physically spreads the oil sound around the passage. An interesting seepage can also be clearly seen when looking specifically at the words "oil-soaked", "oil-permeated" and "grease- impregnated". These words connect the [oi] in oily with the word following it and heighten the spreading of the sound. Moreover, when studying the [oi] atmosphere throughout the poem the [oi] in doily and embroidered seems to particularly stand out. The oozing of the grease in the filling station moves to each new stanza with the mention of these words: In the fourth stanza, "big dim doily", to the second last stanza, "why, oh why, the doily? /Embroidered" to the last stanza, "somebody embroidered the doily". Whereas the [oi] sound created an oily sound of language throughout the poem, the repetitive [ow] sound achieves a very different syntactical feature. The cans which "softly say: /ESSO--SO--SO--SO" create a wind-like blowing effect from the mouth. Each SO allows for a sort of visual metaphor to be seen-- cars or the personified "high-strung automobiles" as they pass on by. Not only are [oi] and [ow] sounds effectively used in this poem to create a unique tone but so is th... ...can be that small part in us that still searches for hope and normalcy. We each need a "comfy" filling station. And although judgmental onlookers, or as Bishop writes the "high-strung automobiles", may only want to see the dirtiness of an individual character, a family or situation, they need to realize that if they look deep enough, light will shine through. "Somebody loves us all" if we are only to give the thought and time. Afterall, even an automobile needs oil every once in a while to continue down its path. In conclusion, it can be clearly seen that Elizabeth Bishop in the poem Filling Station has wonderfully played with different levels of language like voice and metaphor. The reader becomes actively involved in questioning their own filling station and the care they give toward it. Is he or she the station, one who drives by the station or one who gives to the station? Bibliography Bishop, Elizabeth. "Filling Station." An Introduction to Poetry. Eds. Dana Gioia and X.J. Kennedy. Eighth Edition. New York: HarperCollins College Publishers, 1994.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Great Gatsby :: F. Scott Fitzgerald

The Great Gatsby: A timeless classic The Great Gatsby is a movie by F. Scott Fitzergald and is set in the 1920’s. On the outside, The Great Gatsby is a story of the disillusioned love between a man and a woman. However, the main theme of the novel comprises a much larger and less romantic extent. Though all of its events take place over a measly few months during the summer of 1922 and is set in a limited geographical area in the area of Long Island, New York, The Great Gatsby is a highly symbolic reflection of the 1920s American life as a whole. The storyline illustrates the dissolution of the American dream in an era of unparalleled prosperity and material intemperance. Fitzgerald portrays the 1920s as an era of decayed social and moral values, shown in the films cynicism, greed, and empty pursuit of pleasure. The recklessness that led to decadent parties and wild jazz music, shown in The Great Gatsby by the lavish parties that Gatsby throws every Saturday night, resulted ultimately in the corruption of the American dream, as the uninhibited desire for money and pleasure exceeded more noble goals. The dizzying rise of the stock market in the aftermath of the war led to a sudden, sustained increase in the national wealth and a newfound materialism, as people began to spend and consume at unprecedented levels. A person from any social background could, potentially, make a fortune. Additionally, the passage of the Eighteenth Amendment in 1919, which banned the sale of alcohol, created a booming illegal industry designed to satisfy the massive demand for bootleg liquor among the rich and poor. Fitzgerald positions the characters of The Great Gatsby as symbols of these social trends. Nick and Gatsby, both of whom fought in World War I, exhibit the newfound cultural diversity and skepticism that resulted from the war. The various social climbers and ambitious speculators who attend Gatsby’s parties illustrate the greedy scramble for wealth. Meyer Wolfshiem and Gatsby’s fortune symbolize the rise of organized crime and bootlegging. As Fitzgerald saw it the American dream was originally about discovery, individualism, and the pursuit of happiness. In the 1920s, however, as depicted in the novel, easy money and laid-back social values have spoiled this dream, especially on the East Coast. The main plotline of the novel reflects this judgment, as Gatsby’s dream of loving Daisy is ruined by the difference in their own social places, his resorting to crime to make enough money to make an impression on her, and the raging materialism that distinguishes her existence.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Price Mechanism

The market system is the mechanism for allocating scarce resources and thereby encouraging a positive investment climate. The problem of scarcity is common in all economic structures. The economic system of a particular country is the way in which its people, businesses and government make choices. Demand is the amount of a product consumers are willing and able to purchase at any given time. However, supply is the amount of a product that is available at any given time. The following diagram shows the relationship that demand has with supply:The above diagram shows that where the demand and supply intersects, indicates the quantity which suppliers wish to market equals the quantity which buyers are willing to take. There are many factors that have determined the general increase in global food prices over the last four years. One factor is in late 2006 the unseasonable droughts in many grain-producing countries. The top three wheat producers in the world are, China, India, and the U nited States respectively. The consequences of drought include diminished crop growth, and the ability to rare livestock.Also, it causes erosion, which further affects plantations and soil consistency. Without water there can be no irrigation. Irrigation is an artificial application of water to the soil for assisting of the proper, healthy growth of crops. Wildfires are also caused by droughts because of the lack of moisture in the air; they consume all agriculture once formed. Biofuels, a fuel substitute that is derived not from fossil fuels but from biological material maybe another cause of rising food prices. Bio fuels are commonly used in place of gas to power vehicles, to heat houses and even to cook on your stove.The factor that affects the price of crops here is that Biofuels use crops high in sugar and starch, then fermentation of these crops causes the it to produce ethanol. Ethanol is the substance, which is used for power. So as our world is becoming more eco friendly an d aware, our food prices will rise. Oil prices over the last four years have been steadily rising, causing food transport and other agriculture related machinery and treatments to rise also. From the mid 1980s to September 2003, the inflation-adjusted price of a barrel of crude oil on NYMEX (New York Mercantile Exchange) was on average under US$25/barrel.Then in 2003 it finally rose to US$30/barrel and gradually went up to US$60/barrel in 2005, and skyrocketed to US$147/barrel in 2008. These drastic increases in oil prices have taken their toll on food prices over the past four years. Wheat and grain are said to be relatively inelastic, meaning there is not much range for substituting. So where there is a large change in price there is little or no change in the quantity demanded of that particular good. The elasticity of a product can be measured by the following formula: PED = % change in Quantity Demanded of product change in price of that product World population growth is the l atest in factors to affect food prices. The world population has grown from 1. 6 billion in 1900 to an estimated 6. 6 billion today. The increase in population size has mainly been pointed to the developed countries where food prices are subsidized. In these countries, the government subsidize crops, and absorb the extra cost of food so the cost does not affect the consumer. So in reality, the developing and the third world countries are the only ones to suffer from our current food shortage.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Rhetorical Analysis Essay – “Farm Girl”

Is today’s society getting too lax with their children? Why are parents not giving their children chores? What are kids lacking by not being held accountable? What happens when children do not have responsibilities at a younger age? My rhetorical analysis is focused on the short memoir â€Å"Farm Girl† from Jessica Hemauer who vividly paints you as the reader a picture of what it was like growing up on the farm and the effect it had on her life. This piece is one for the masses.The way Hemauer’s memory of growing up on the farm is written could be for a wide range of people to comprehend. She more than likely wrote this memoir for an audience that had gone through trying times or at the time are currently going through times that are getting them down to see that those times do not always have to be a bad thing; it can be a good thing as well. With it being titled â€Å"Farm Girl†, being so easy to follow and an interesting piece to read Hemauer attracted far more than she intended.It could be read by anyone that is interested about what it is like growing up on a farm or what chores may do for their child and many more as well. In the audience’s face right from the begging with intense details, Hemauer has the attention of the reader, because like myself, most individuals in today’s world couldn’t even fathom wanting to get up nor waking their ten year old child up at 5 A. M. Her use of emotional details in the explanation of how hard it is to get up and how even if she is to argue with her father it won’t get her anywhere makes the reader feel sorry for her.Though it is common place for her siblings and herself they don’t enjoy doing it as described by Jessica â€Å"As we dress, not a single word is spoken because we all feel the same way, â€Å"I hate this! †Ã¢â‚¬ (Hemauer, 2011, p. 113). Without this explanation from her, most people could logically gather that a group of children would never be enthusiastic about waking early to do work on a farm nor any work at all for that matter.Hemauer then goes on to describe their duties on the farm before going to school, how she feels at school when she has nothing to talk about at lunch and how she yearns to be involved in sports and clubs at school â€Å"not being able to participate in school activities like my friends makes me feel left out and depressed† (Hemauer, 2011, p. 115). Appealing to the reader ethically Hemauer expresses what a large portion of kids in school want to do and be a part of cause they get to spend more time with friends and be part of something bigger than themselves.Finally, Hemauer is allowed to participate in basketball but must still complete her chores which she is willing to comply with â€Å"In eighth grade I really want to play basketball, and after begging and pleading with my parents, they finally say I can join the team as long as I continue to help with chores in the morning before school and after practice† (Hemauer, 2011, p. 115). Though it is tough and causes her to fall asleep in classes sometimes, she manages to do both. Thankfully, only for a short time, then her father decides to hire help due to the farm growing so large and realizing how much his children have given up over the years.Though at the time it is unknown to her how the experience had affected her life, later she reflects on the adult she became because of it â€Å"Each day of my life there are times when I reflect back to working on the farm† (Hemauer, 2011, p. 117). How Hemauer conveys her memoir and looks back on her childhood, shows us how valuable chores can be to a child despite how much they dislike doing them. A large percent of today’s youth lacks the drive or ambition to push their selves because they unlike Hemauer have not had the responsibilities of such magnitude nor any bestowed upon them. In earlier generations, children and adolescents were given meaningful opportunities to be responsible by contributing not only to their households but also to their larger communities,† said Markella Rutherford, assistant professor of sociology at Wellesley College in Massachusetts and author of the new study, Children's Autonomy and Responsibility: An Analysis of Child Rearing Advice (Lack of household chores making children less responsible, claims survey, 2009). Chores used to be the social norm and without them a child misses out on learning valuable life skills. Chores allow children an early and sustained opportunity to experience responsibility. Independence and self-sufficiency in life are tied, ultimately, to mastery of two types of responsibility: personal responsibility and social responsibility† (Rowland, 2000, Brown University Child & Adolescent Behavior Letter, 16(6), 1). Though it can said many times, different ways that chores can help your child it is also said that you should never ask your child to do somethin g hat you yourself wouldn’t do and they should be used by busy parents to spend more quality time with their child. Essentially helping both the child grow from the responsibilities and allowing the parent to spend more time with the child. References Jessica Hemauer (2011) Farm Girl. In Roen, D, Glau, and Maid,B (Eds) The McGraw-Hill Guide Writing for college, Writing for life. (Pg. 113-117) Boston, MH: Mcgraw Hill P. Barrett, R. (2000). Assigned chores help teach social, personal responsibility. Brown University Child & Adolescent Behavior Letter, 16(6), 1.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Interim Report Example Essay

Introduction: This document contains the interim report of – This report will tell what has been achieved, what still needs to be done in every department in the organization and in which timeframe. The employees of the RB company have been working greatly and putting a lot of effort to be a stable company and ultimately grow into a successful company. This report will show the companies past activities and if they have been completed successfully. Moreover, this report will also include our future goals and perspectives. Overview Review Rainy Business was established in last semester and experienced a whole new process of running a business. The marketing department has taken part in the process of developing products and finding the right way to price, promote and to sell the products. Selling technique In the business plan the Marketing and Sales Department illustrated a specific analysis about the 4p’s. Especially in promotion, the focus was on substantially expanding the selling channel of the company. We thought about selling the different kinds of raincoats through twitter, facebook, personal selling, direct marketing and selling through a website, but eventually personal selling turned out to be the best selling technique for our product. Target group At the start of the life of the company the idea was to focus especially on tourists as target group. By selling our products in the city-center of Amsterdam the company discovered that everyone who needs a poncho fits our target market. Since tourists were not really willing to buy our company’s ponchos including the city-centre map Rainy Business decided to change our product line. Therefore the company does not focus on tourists anymore but on every person in crowded places who is in need of a poncho. Goals & Objectives Sales The company has bought several kinds of rain ponchos at the beginning of the 2nd period. After trying to sell the rain ponchos, Rainy Business discovered that the disposable rain ponchos were selling a lot easier. So the marketing department decided to focus on the disposable ponchos, simply because that generates the quick sales, which our company could really use, with concerning the financial position at the moment. Valentine’s Day The marketing department started to think of new proper dates to sell our rain ponchos and came up with the idea to sell on Valentine’s Day. The reason why Rainy Business is to believe that there will be a lot of sales that day, is due to the fact that our company will order ponchos in red and maybe in white, which represent the colors of love. Our marketing department believes that when you sell the ponchos in these colors at that very moment, that it will sell much better than normal. Market fair The annual Market Fair is coming up, so the marketing department thought of a way to attract people to our stand. And they came up with a few solutions, the first one was: create an Easter theme around the stand and maybe have some people dressing up as an Easter bunny. The second idea was: that the members of Rainy Business could have real live mannequins walking around with our ponchos in all different colors in order to attract people to our market place and of course in order to get the attention of the ladies and gentlemen walking around. End of year By the end of this year the company hopes to have sold enough ponchos to make a good profit. Another important goal is getting satisfaction of the shareholders, which could possibly lead to an after live of the Rainy Business. Production department Overview In the last couple of months, the production department has putted a lot of effort in satisfying the company’s expectations. The department did a lot of research, like researching different kind of products that we can sell. The production department first thought of producing and selling only one product, but then Rainy Business decided that it was better to sell different kinds of products, which are the disposable rain poncho, the basic rain poncho, the basic rain poncho with a belt and a basic rain poncho with a map. The production department was also responsible for holding the stock. What we achieved with the research process The ultimate test was when we found out that there were two companies who are also selling rain poncho’s. We had to make sure to make our product more recognizable and unique. And with secretly approaching our competitors we were capable of screening their product, so we were aware and strong enough to compete with our competitors. We achieved a bigger market share when we came to the conclusion to sell different kinds of products. Instead of one kind of raincoats we have four variants. Our customers can choose from different rain ponchos and feel free to compare them, when it comes to the quality and the prices. The production department worked together closely together with all the departments in the Rainy Business but especially with the marketing department. This made both departments became more effective and efficient to get to understand how the customers would like their rain ponchos. This information is important to keep updated of the wants of our targeted customers. The production department can respond to them with the rain poncho’s who are the closest to their desire to keep their satisfaction on a high level as we try to make profit in such a short term. This gives us space to stay innovative without disappointing the customers. It also gives us a bigger chance to extend our profits for now and in the future. What do we want to achieve. The production team has its own set of goals, where we work hard and contribute to our part of the company. Now that our company has been established some time ago, we have to see where we can add value to the current products to increase profit margin of the company. Goals & Objectives At this moment the production team will cut a product out of our current line, because it decreases our profits, since the sales of that product are not what we expected. However, the production department is already working on a formula to add value to our current products. And the goals for department these couple of months is to create new products, so that we can continu1e our company’s growth and to maintain a stable flow of products against the lowest prices, but a new strategy is required as well, since the one we used up till now didn’t work as we thought it would, the new strategy should be focused on what the customer wants instead of finding a reason for a customer to buy our products. In a few months from now, our department will create new stars for the company where we can rely on, and successfully turn them into cash cows. The final and maybe one of the most important goal of the production department is that we will create satisfaction by giving the cust omers something they need and want. How will we achieve that The production team is always thinking about new innovative ideas. Because one of our products did not sell as well as we thought it would sell, we decided to drop the product, which means that we will focus on the disposable poncho. At this moment, we are going to vary our product line by brighten up the ponchos. Rainy Business is planning on selling the product in several colors such as: red, orange and green. This way, the poncho will be more appealing and will get the consumers’ attention which will lead to a more profitable product. Another idea is to give our customers something extra so they will have another reason to buy our poncho. This will, of course, be something that suits our product and adds extra value to the product. Financial Department Overview During the first semester, there was a high level of uncertainty within the Financial Department. The main cause of this was that the amount of shares was constantly changing, and we do not have a bank account due to the delay of ABN AMRO. So we have been using one of the employees’ account, which makes us difficult to track on every transaction that the shareholders pay and the revenues we have earned. The financial department has tried to cooperate with the other departments as much as possible. This to figure out for example the exact costs, the final profit that indicates how many dividends can be declared to shareholders at the end of the year. Being aware of what influences the other departments may have an impact on the decisions that will be made in the financial department. Moreover, we had to deal with dropouts, which meant loosing shares and not being able to spend the reserved amount of money on the marketing department. Lastly one of our biggest issues was that shareholders did not pay on time. This gave us financial uncertainty of whether they were going to pay or not in the near future. As of now, shares are still not completely sold. After finding a cheaper supplier, Rainy business has been able to finance the products. This happened in November, which is shown in our financial plan. Goals & Objectives The previous financial plan indicated that Rainy business is planning to issue 75 shares. As a result, we got only 50 shares, gaining a startup capital of 1000 Euros. With this starting capital, the decision was made to order 140 pieces raincoat for first semester. 100pcs for disposable raincoats and 40pcs for the normal ones. The product costs for raincoat is 196.83 Euros. The Average Selling price for disposable raincoat was 2 Euro ,for normal raincoat was 4.99 Euro, for raincoat with belt was 5.99 Euro, for raincoat with map was 6.99 Euro. The revenue for the entire business year will approximately be 442 Euro if we sold all of the 140pcs of raincoats. Now, we have already earned the amount of revenues of approximately 282 Euro. Achievements & Failures 1. Product After effort of one semester, our sales are doing quite well. We have learned how to work as a team, communicating with international people who comes from different countries, learn their culture, as well as how consumers establish a good relationship, in which also encountered many difficulties. For example, miscommunication, money are missing sometimes but we have accumulated valuable experience. 2. Marketing Expense We did not spend anything for marketing, even market research. The thing we only have to do is to persuade customers to buy our products. 3. Shares Unfortunately, the goals of attaining 75 shares have not been achieved. At the moment, Rainy Business only has 50 shares in total with a capital of 1000 Euro. This is due to the dropped out of employees during the business year. Even though these problems occurred, we still have enough. 4. Revenue Fortunately, our sales are doing quite well. We have already earned an amount of 294 Euros this includes some money which is going to be received soon. We still have enough capital to sustain and also order new products. If everything stays on track, our company will make a lot of profit at the end of the business year. Human Resource Department Overview The Human Resource Department has been a crucial element to the functioning of the organization. Rainy Business has recognized the importance of the working relations inside the company from the beginning on. Therefore the department has gone through a number of affairs with the personnel. These will be further detailed in the following paragraphs. Contract of employment The department has engaged in preparing the contract of employment. The contract embraces the demerit system and includes restrictions regarding apparel, absence and responsibilities. The contract has been signed during one-on-one conversations with the employees. Personal conversations During the confidential conversations the Human Resource department was able to evaluate the mindset of each individual. Their motivations, abilities, concerns, frustrations and ideas had a primary focus in midst of the conversations. The evaluations have been recorded in personal profiles and considered in the development of the organization. Satisfaction survey Also, all employees have been requested to fill in a survey appealed to value their level of satisfaction in the organization. On basis of views on the organization’s managers, employees’ contributions, task division and other criteria the Human Resource Department was given the opportunity to better the company as well as the working relationships among employees. Demerit system To maintain continuity and the ability to progress, the Human Resource Department has had to occupy in attributing demerits. The department has chosen to limit itself to demerits solitary since its main aim is to motivate employees to participate in the progress of the organization. A merit system would not be necessary and is therefore replaced by employee of the month announcements. Sales pitch Once the other departments had concluded their business activities regarding the attainment of shareholders and the stocking of supplies, the Human Resource Department decided to organize a sales pitch. In this sales pitch selling ideas and former experiences from all employees were brought forward. Team-building activity To both conclude the first few months of existence and to learn on a personal level about each colleague, the Human Resource Department organized a team-building activity. The activity consisted of a laser gaming trip and a dinner at a restaurant. Goals & Objectives When we take a look into the future, it looks very promising. The core competence of the Human Resource Department is that we want the employees to continue feeling comfortable with each other. To achieve this the Human Resource Department will try to build a stronger relationship with the employees. When an employee will feel as a part of the company, he or she will do his or her best to achieve the maximum of productivity. To achieve this goal the Human Resource Department will keep the same working-methods which we saw in the past. Demerit-system and the employee of the month: The Human Resource Department will keep working and using the demerit system and we will announce an new employee of the month. At the end of each month the new employee of the month will be introduced to the group members and the employee will receive a certificate. We use this method to show our employees that we appreciate that they deliver good work. Unfortunately that will not always be the case; sometimes an employee can miss a deadline or be too late at meetings. This can happen to everyone, but to make sure that this will not repeat more often the Human Resource Department set up rules where there is a part which says that missing one deadline a employee will receive 10 demerits and being late without notification will give you 2 demerits. The reason for receive 10 demerits for missing a deadline is because being late with finishing your task can damage the whole company. Everyone works together and everything is linked to each other, so if one person will miss the deadline the others can not continue doing their job. If you have 10 demerits you will get one official warning. If you get another 10 demerits you will get your second official warning. And if you get 10 demerits again, the employee will leave no other choice for the company but to let him or her go. When the employee get 10 demerits they will get a appointment with one of the members of the Human Resource Department who will guide the employee through the process, and they have to represent their new goal which has to be SMARTER and present that to the member of the Human Resource Department. Build/maintain the relationships with the employees: In the past we saw good results from this system, and want to maintain the improvements. One of the most important task for the Human Resource Department is to build trust with the employees and a good relationship, so if there will be conflicts in the company the employees will feel comfortable to communicate with one of the members of the Human Resource Department. To achieve this goal the employees of Rainy Business will get appointments with one or more member from the Human Resource Department, where the employee will get some questions about how they feel at work and if the want to say anything. The Human Resources department believe s that if we maintain delivering good quality to the company, this will lead the company into an positive and interesting future.